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Real Estate, Home Appraisal

Tech Stack

The Project

Developing a React Native App for Streamlined Home Appraisals with Airtable Integration

FTES required a React Native mobile application to streamline the process of home appraisals. The objective was to develop an app that allowed home appraisers to take photos, appraise homes, assess damage and needed repairs, and log all information in an Airtable database. The goal was to create an efficient and user-friendly solution to improve the accuracy and speed of home appraisals.

Our Solution

Demski Group Develops React Native App for FTES with Photo Capture and Airtable Integration

The Demski Group developed the FTES mobile application using React Native, focusing on features that support home appraisers in their fieldwork. The solution included photo capturing, data entry, and seamless integration with Airtable for data storage and management.

Key Features

Photo Capture and Storage

• Developed a feature for appraisers to take high-quality photos of homes, damage, and needed repairs. • Ensured photos were automatically tagged with relevant information and stored in the Airtable database.

Appraisal Data Entry

• Created easy-to-use forms for appraisers to input appraisal details, damage assessments, and repair needs. • Included dropdown menus, checkboxes, and text fields to streamline data entry.

Airtable Integration

• Integrated Airtable to store and manage all photos and appraisal information. • Implemented real-time data synchronization between the mobile app and Airtable to ensure up-to-date records.

User-Friendly Interface

• Designed an intuitive and responsive interface using React Native, ensuring a smooth user experience on both iOS and Android devices. • Focused on ease of navigation and accessibility to cater to all users.

Offline Functionality

• Developed offline capabilities to allow appraisers to continue working in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. • Ensured data synchronization once the device was back online.
real estate agent

The Results

Increased Efficiency: The mobile app streamlined the home appraisal process, reducing the time required to complete appraisals and assessments.

Improved Accuracy: The ability to capture and store detailed photos and appraisal information improved the accuracy of home appraisals.

Enhanced Data Management: Airtable integration provided a robust solution for managing appraisal data, ensuring all information was organized and easily accessible.


The Demski Group successfully delivered the FTES mobile application, enhancing the home appraisal process with a user-friendly and efficient tool. This project highlights our ability to develop advanced mobile applications that integrate seamlessly with data management platforms.

This case study demonstrates The Demski Group’s capability to create advanced mobile applications, leveraging modern technologies to deliver impactful and efficient solutions for the real estate industry.

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