
Real Estate, Hospitality

Tech Stack

The Project

Custom WordPress Website for Seamless Property Booking

Cooperstown Rentals required a custom WordPress website to facilitate the booking of rental properties in Cooperstown, NY. The objective was to create a user-friendly platform that allowed visitors to browse available rentals, check availability, and book properties online.

Our Solution

Intuitive Booking and Property Management

The Demski Group developed a custom WordPress website for Cooperstown Rentals, focusing on creating an intuitive and seamless booking experience. The solution included features for property listings, availability calendars, booking forms, and secure payment processing.

Key Features

Property Listings

• Developed detailed property pages with high-quality images, descriptions, amenities, and pricing information. • Implemented search and filter options to help users find properties based on their preferences and requirements.

Availability Calendar

• Integrated availability calendars for each property to display open dates and facilitate easy booking. • Ensured real-time updates to reflect current availability and prevent double bookings.

Booking System

• Created a user-friendly booking system that allowed visitors to select dates, enter personal information, and confirm reservations. • Included secure payment processing to handle booking transactions efficiently and safely.

User-Friendly Interface

• Designed an intuitive and visually appealing interface using WordPress, ensuring a smooth user experience. • Focused on ease of navigation and clear presentation of property information to enhance user engagement.

Responsive Design

• Ensured the website was fully responsive, providing an optimal experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. • Designed the interface to be consistent and accessible across all devices.
interior or living room

The Results

Increased Bookings: The new website provided Cooperstown Rentals with an effective platform to attract more visitors and increase bookings.

Enhanced User Experience: The user-friendly design and responsive layout improved customer satisfaction and engagement.

Efficient Management: The WordPress integration allowed for efficient management of property listings, availability, and bookings.


The Demski Group successfully delivered a custom WordPress website for Cooperstown Rentals, enhancing their online presence and providing a seamless booking experience for their customers. This project highlights our ability to develop comprehensive e-commerce solutions that drive sales and improve user satisfaction.

This case study demonstrates The Demski Group’s capability to create advanced WordPress websites, leveraging modern technologies to deliver impactful and engaging user experiences for real estate and hospitality businesses.

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