Case Study

SEEN Dating

The Demski Group designed and implemented a radical new approach to online dating: full transparency. With all user chats on display, singles were armed with a complete understanding of each other’s interactions before engaging, which helped cut down on unsolicited pictures and toxic behavior. The community fell in love with the application (4.6 stars on the app store!) and our team learned how to implement best practices for chatting technologies and to appeal to a younger demographic.

SEEN Dating Application

Services Rendered

Service: Dating App

Platform: Native Mobile Apps

Tech Case Study

App Design

Clean and vibrant design for easy navigation. Actions are specifically designed to stick out easily from user-created content.

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Unique Features

Designed and built features like video calling, different communication and media files, and unique interactions not seen on competitors.

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Quality Assurance

We at the Demski Group thoroughly tested the SEEN app throughout the development process to ensure a smooth user experience from day 1 of the public launch.

Tech Case Study

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    Aaron Demski